ECC Rolla
East Central College has two locations in Rolla to serve the community. The centers offer a wide range of transfer, career-ready, and health care programs designed to meet the needs of Rolla and the surrounding communities.
ECC Rolla provides an environment for lifelong learning by offering an affordable open admissions education for individuals seeking to start their academic degree or enter a career program of study.
Academic Programs
East Central College–Rolla offers a variety of college courses and degrees, both on-campus and online, including Associate of Arts transfer degrees, Associate of Arts in Teaching, and Associate of Applied Science programs.
Academic ProgramsTextbooks & Supplies
Students can access a course materials list and purchase textbooks online from the ECC Bookstore.
ECC BookstoreLocations
Rolla North
2303 N. Bishop Avenue Rolla, MO 65401 |
573-202-6960 |
Admissions, Advisement, and Financial Aid
Testing Services
Tutoring Services
Counseling & Access Services

Missouri S&T Partnerships
East Central College and Missouri S&T are proud of their long-term partnership to provide educational and career opportunities to our communities.
ECC and S&T have two programs designed to assist students in completing their Bachelor’s degree.
Roadmap to Success
The Roadmap to Success pathways are designed for students to complete a degree with ECC and easily transfer to Missouri S&T.
More on the Roadmap to SuccessCampus Connections
Campus Connections is a dual enrollment program where students are accepted at both institutions simultaneously and have the advantages, services and perks of both!
More on Campus Connections